RELEASE|April 13, 2023 Contact: Neil Friske Rep. Friske slams forced “Clean Energy” mandates by Lansing Democrats Rep. Friske is voicing concern and disapproval of the “Clean Energy” plan announced this week by Senate Democrats. The plan includes the total elimination...
Be Informed

The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party
Did you know that the Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, founded the KKK, and fought against every major civil rights act in U.S. history? Watch as Carol Swain, professor of political science at Vanderbilt University, shares the inconvenient...

The inconvenient truth about the republican Party
When you think of the Republican Party, what comes to mind? If you’re like many Americans, you may associate the GOP with racism, sexism, and general inequality. It’s a commonly pushed narrative by left-leaning media and academia, but as former Vanderbilt Professor of...
Michigan Republican Party Elects New Leadership
February 21 2023 LANSING, MI – On Saturday, February 18th, Republican delegates from across Michigan convened in Lansing to elect new party leadership. The delegation elected the following individuals to lead the party into the 2024 election cycle: Kristina Karamo,...