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Endorsement convention press release

Published: July 23, 2024

May 11th, 2024
(Charlevoix, MI) – The Charlevoix County Republican Party held an Endorsement Convention of delegates on Saturday at the Charlevoix Public Library. The local Republicans came together in a bold move to offer voters clarity on their platform as party, and where the Republican-filed candidates compare to the new party platform. The convention was orderly, with plenty of discussion and debate on the candidates. All candidates who filed as a Republican at the County and State House level were invited. The delegates first adopted the platform, which went through a rigorous drafting process, then agreed to the rules of the convention to vote by ballot, and finally on to the candidates. Candidates were given the opportunity to share their thoughts, and delegates were given the opportunity to ask questions and debate. Every candidate present was asked if they agree to the newly adopted Party Platform.
Delegates then began the process of filling out their ballots, and the tellers began a hand-count with all delegates able to watch the process.
Uncontested primary candidates at the county-level needed a majority vote to achieve an endorsement. Contested primary candidates at the county-level needed a majority vote if each individual would receive the designation of “Platform Approved” or not. The delegates chose not to give exclusive endorsements in contested primary races at the county-level. Not all candidates achieved an endorsement or Platform Approved status.
After the results were announced, a motion was made to give Neil Friske an exclusive endorsement for State House 107th District. The motion passed by unanimous vote.